by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Mar 30, 2021 | Physical Therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
Preventing injury isn’t really possible… however reducing the risk of injury, is. Here are a couple key points: 1. Warm-up before you exercise.2. Don’t use too much weight too soon.3. Don’t lift the same muscle groups every single day without...
by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Mar 26, 2021 | Physical Therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
What do top performers have in common? There are many things but i’m just going to touch on three points: 1. Consistency. They are more consistent than everyone else.2. Tolerating uncertainty. They have accepted that since they are pushing the envelope, that...
by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Mar 19, 2021 | Physical Therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
Did 2020 knock you off your routine? I know it knocked me off a bit. I couldn’t believe how much that disrupted my own direction and creativity, it was nuts. If you’re like me… getting back onto the routine can be very difficult, whether it’s...
by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Mar 15, 2021 | Physical Therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
Have you ever believed that bench pressing with a barbell is bad for your shoulder? If you have, you’re not alone. A ton of people have told me this over the years. Sometimes they say it’s because they’ve bench pressed and seen the direct...
by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Mar 11, 2021 | Physical Therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
Tiger woods sustained a comminuted tibfib fracture (tibia and fibula). Comminuted refers to a break of the bone in more than two places. This injury sounds similar to Alex Smith’s tibfib fracture back in 2018… and if you remember, many people said...
by Dr. Nate Kadlecek, PT | Feb 12, 2020 | Wellness
Personal Reflection and Building Sustainable Habits Do You Reflect? Well-being, wellness, health. What do those all mean? It’s an interesting debacle that we find ourselves in, always striving for more, looking forward to tomorrow yet ignoring both the past, and even...